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Jun 15

5 Ways Small Businesses Can Benefit from a CRM system During the COVID-19 Pandemic

By: Tony Catone

The Coronavirus pandemic has changed life around the globe. Events have been cancelled, schools and businesses have closed, and stay-at-home orders are part of the new normal. Businesses in every industry are making adjustments, providing remote work opportunities for employees, shifting to a variety of online and touchless transactions, and utilizing the latest software technologies, like CRM (Customer Relationship Management) platforms to streamline operations and move successfully into the future.  

Getting the Most of Your CRM System During the Pandemic

Customer Relationship Management System - Workflow COVID-19

CRM technology allows your small business to ensure the health and safety of your clients, communities, employees, and prospects. Your CRM platform can be utilized for the benefit of your business, large or small. While the platform’s number one goal is to enhance your brand’s relationship with your customers – current, former, and potential – it can also be customized exclusively for your company and your industry. 

Once customized, your CRM will help you collect client information as well as organize, store, and manage that data, all while streamlining your efforts. Let’s explore five ways small businesses can benefit from a CRM System during the COVID-19 pandemic.


1. Improve Communications Among Team Members

Your CRM system can improve communication among your team members, enhancing performance across the board. Keeping communications precise, simple, and honest during the pandemic is crucial to the moral of your employees. After all, you are all facing elements of the unknown, as the COVID-19 outbreak is a fluid situation, changing daily as humanity navigates through it. Improving communications means keeping employees up to date on changing safety protocols, as well as the latest innovations in communication methods among team members. Better internal communication within your business means readily sharing information and encouraging the “better as a team” mentality to elevate the customer experience for your clients. 

2. Addressing Travel Restrictions

Considering nationwide travel restrictions, your CRM software can help your employees continue to function as a team in light of rescheduled organization-related travel, delayed face to face contract preparation, the challenge of onboarding of new hires, and event cancellations. 

3. Enhance Telework Opportunities 

Companies of all sizes have embraced work-from-home strategies, which has created the need for better communication and the streamlining of data and operations. Your CRM can help your employees collect, organize, store, and manage client information, which means your employees can share content securely from remote work locations and continue to meet customer satisfaction markers. 

Meetings can be held virtually via Zoom, and similar platforms to enhance team spirit and morale, while messaging platforms ensure accurate communication, deployed desktop programs deliver ease of access to work computers and company data securely, and collaboration software keeps cooperation at its peak. 

4. Customer Support and Cloud Services

Your CRM platform is designed to help you and your team members expand client retention which grows revenue, as you learn valuable insights on how to enhance client satisfaction with improved products and services. Right now, considering the Coronavirus outbreak, outstanding customer service is the key to success. Customer support teams must be able to respond quickly, provide answers, and solve problems expeditiously while in many cases working remotely. 

With your CRM, customer satisfaction can improve, even during COVID-19 pandemic, though organizational strategies including servicing, marketing, and selling. By improving customer service, your CRM can also help you improve customer retention rates which in turn can increase your bottom line, a factor more important than ever now. 

5. Enhance Marketing 

Right now, cost-efficient targeted marketing is crucial. Your CRM can segment your customers, giving you greater insight into your customers’ needs, which will in turn allow you to provide the most relevant promotions, delivered at exactly the right time. Optimizing your marketing budget can not only help you stay on the path to success, but continue to grow your business in the process, even through the current pandemic. 

Contact Us Today 

We hope you found this article about the ways small businesses can benefit from a CRM system during the COVID-19 pandemic helpful.  As you consider all the possibilities for your business to move forward successfully during and after the pandemic, contact us today for the answers you need.